So now that it has been above 20 Celsius for at least 3 days, I finally feel like it might be summer. Lately I have been thinking about getting a bike. Not a boyish mountain bike but a cute cruiser. It seems like bikes are cool everywhere but Edmonton. I don't know if it is because our bike lanes are non existent and people are too scared to get run off the road but there is something tres chic about being able to cruise around on a bike..no matter the wardrobe. It really is a pity that these bikes aren't made for snow or trails because if they were I think I would ride them everywhere. I mean, how unreal does Miss Agnes Deyne look on the street of Paris. Granted it is Paris.... I think a cruiser would be the perfect way to get between classes on campus, plus it's good for the environ. Perhaps I will invest. Thoughts?
that's a sweet picture. i almost thought it was you :)