Do you have a favorite colour? Usually when asked "what's your favorite colour?" I tend to make something up & choose whatever everyone else is choosing for the sake of convenience, like blue. Truthfully, I'm not the biggest fan of blue! There ARE people out there who have a favorite "go-to" colour (e.g. my friends favorite colour is purple. Everything she owns is purple), but I prefer to base my "favorites" on the colours I like to wear; yknow, like... greys.. blacks... sometimes whites. Unfortunately I've been told that greys, blacks, and whites aren't "colours"... they're SHADES. Lame. So I guess aside from neutrals, red is probably the 2nd most prevalent colour within my wardrobe. Contrary to its neutral counterparts, it's bold. It's bright. It's passionate. It's vibrant. Red is the colour of happiness and prosperity, and the Chinese believe that it may be used to attract good luck! It's everything I could ever ask for in a colour and more cuz DOOD, it matches with greys, blacks, and whites like you would not believe! Rejoice. Because really, all fantastic things come in red: Red Velvet cupcakes, $50 bills (even though it's more of a pink...), beer cups, Red Hot Chili Peppers, sounding super-cool when you say, "I'm taking a red-eye to [insert destination here]", red carpets .... the beloved soles of them LOUBOUTINS!!!
I know summer's just begun, and while my body & mind believe that this hot weather is a million times better than living in the arctic circle for 6+ months, my heart truly belongs to Fall... let me show you why:
Ruffian Fall 2009

Cynthia Steffe Fall 2009

Salvatore Ferragamo Fall 2009

Oscar de la Renta Fall 2009

Jason Wu Fall 2009

ADAM Fall 2009

Le siiigh. I should rid my mind of fall-ideas because fall signals COLD and cold is the bane of my existence (minus the fact that I get to take out all my scarves! But let's not get into that obsession). In the meantime, maybe I'll give blue a chance and diversify my wardrobe with some royal blue pieces?
Must restrain myself from posting more Fall 2009 goodies.
I promise nothing.
OH MA GAWD I LURVE JASON WU! The kid can do no wrong!