EHHHH, sorry for the lame title. I tried to compensate by posting the video...
However, what isn't lame are these RED wedges I got at H&M today! I'm super pumped about them.
Not sure what I'm going to pair them with yet, but I imagine that they'd make a simple dress look stunning. I don't know if people actually read our blog, but if you've been following, you'll notice that all I seem to blog about is either (a) Emma Watson or (b) things that are RED.

Speaking of red, I'm super bummed that I STILL haven't been able to find a pair of red olympic mittens :( Actually, I bought a pair last week at Southgate (I arrived at the Olympic wear section only to find middle-aged ladies savagely grabbing like, 10 each. f&ck off.) and being the only pair left, they were an L/XL! LAME! So I gave them to my father and re-commenced my hunt for these mittens. Obviously, everyone & their grandmothers have these now but I'd still like a pair (so that I can match everyone at the Olympics.. ha ha ha, nawt) - cammmmon... they're RED!!! CAMMONNNNN.

image via google: olympic red mittens
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