I've been on the market for some moccasins for quite some time but hadn't found a place that sold nice, comfortable, & affordable ones + I haven't been inside a mall in months (it was probably for the better), and I finally got a pair today!

Minnetonka ankle hi-tramper boot (image via Gravity Pope)
Okay so when I went to google image these boots, several images of Kate Moss & Nicole Richie popped up wearing different variations of these boots. Kate Moss wears the black front lace knee-high ones EVERYWHERE... I guess Minnetonka is kind of a big deal in the moccasin-shoe-world, apparently?! Yikes, I missed the memo!!! (confession: school & extracurriculars 24/7 provides little time to keep up with fashion. Especially moccasins.) -- anyways, they are INSAAANELY comfortable. Probably won't be wearing them very much this winter though... cuz if I did, it would be a death-wish for these boots.
I also got these Steve Madden loafers, because (contrary to popular belief) loafers are the sh&t. They may be old-people shoes, but they are kind to my feet. And at only $30 (regular: $110) - how can you go wrong?

(and a belated Merry Christmas)
Sadly, it's a materialistic holiday (you get presents on Christmas & then you go buy yourself some MORE things the day after), but whatever... Confessions of a Shopaholic.. in Edmonton = story of our lives. The holidays aren't really complete without going boxing day shopping... amiright!?
Oooo I love the Minnetonkas, I finally got on that bandwangon and they are so comfy but cute at the same time!